How to get Job in less than 5 Minutes


It is said that most employers make up their minds about a person within the first 5 minutes of a job interview, but it is possible to win over that potential boss in less than 5 minutes. Here are some proven ways to land the job of your dreams.


Ask for a morning interview. Studies show that executives prefer to interview before lunch. Interviewers are more alert at the beginning of the day, therefore seeing your hidden attributes. Their mind is fresh and so is yours, therefore making a better impression overall.

Handshake. It is the very first impression-maker. It is an actual physical contact with your interviewer so practice your very best handshake. Whether you are a man or a woman, make sure your handshake is firm, stating in a second that you are confident person.

Here is a little trick that most people do not even think about. Interviewers love to hire people who are easy to get along with even if they are not the most qualified for the job. Try to make a connection. Think about the interviewer and not yourself in the first 5 minutes. For instance, if you see a picture of the interviewer's dog, try mentioning that you are a dog person. If you show a common interest they will be more inclined to like you and hire you.

Answer slowly. Waiting a beat or two before answering a question makes you seem more intelligent than immediately responding. If you answer right away, it seems you are too rehearsed or not thoughtful enough to think through your answer.

Leave the right impression. End the interview with that firm handshake and by repeating how enthusiastic you are about the company and how much you want the job. Ending the interview with a simple "Thank You" does not get you the job. You want to leave a lasting impression, by asking the interviewer to choose you. One phrase that does leave a lasting impression is, "You will not be disappointed if you hire me".

Lastly, follow up the interview with a thank you note. Managers say that they think more highly of job applicants who send thank you notes. It will refresh their memory of you and how much you want the job.

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